Friday, March 07, 2008

10,000 B.C.

Caught this movie yesterday after work with dear. A movie which he think is cool and i wonder what makes him think so. Though i was quite interested in the movie (not as much as he was). Hmm.. Comments on this movie? Ya.. Funny at times but not that fantastic. The funniest thing which gave me such deep impression on its humour were these 2 scenes by Steven Straits when he spoke to the Sabre-tooth and one of the fierce tribe.

To the Sabre-tooth: I will release you but promise that you do not eat me. (Also, when he faced the Sabre-tooth again bout 5 mins after he release it) You must remember me!

To the fierce tribe leader: Tell him i am older than i look.

You gotta watch the movie to find it funny because every individual have different humour standards. Mine is the ticklish type which means i laugh at almost every little thing... Buahhaha!!

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