Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Where should i go from here??

Had been thinking real hard bout this question since yesterday.. Mike had offered me a place at his company.. but i just can't let go of what i am doing now.. which i think that is much more better in terms of future... had a real bad quarrel with T yesterday... I sent out reminders on those which he had to follow up.. one of it is the relocation of one customer which had all the FSE and our boss in CC.. He wasn't happy with me including everyone in CC because it makes him feels that he is not following up.. fact is ya.. he is not following up! process had sent him their recommendations.. FS had sent him their recommendations.. and i had sent him my calculation.. all he have to do is to give his consent and that's it! happy ending.. but why is he holding on to all these?? I was soo angry that i told boss yesterday and he asked me to wait for his return and we shall talk about it face to face... i admitted that i was so angry that i cried... ok.. this is what happen in the room.. he asked me into the room and asked me am i trying to challenge him by sending that email.. i think he just simply read to much into the mail.. bad mood huh... fuck him! He shouted at me and the last sentence he said "I WANT YOU TO SIT HERE AND EXPLAIN TO ME YOUR PROPOSAL! TREAT IT AS I DIDNT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS!" mind my language.. i wanna say FUCK! my boss who is also his boss, the GM doesnt even speak to me in that manner! He is only a sales manager! yes.. i am a sales engineer but that doesnt mean he can shout at me... i cant take it anymore.. i dun wanna take this with that much emotions.. but he is making me fed up! i dun feel like talking to him at all other than anything about work.. haiz.. i really hope boss can be of some help which i think maybe he will maybe he wont.. god! help me!!

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