Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jitters? Or...?

Mood had not been good these few days. Not sure if it's because i can't stand the loneliness anymore. Daily actvity is wake up, work, go home, watch tv, sleep. Routine goes on from Monday to Friday. When it comes to weekend, it will be wake up, yoga, sleep. The monotonous lifestyle doesn't seem to make my mood any better.

Crazy thoughts starts to set into my mind. There are many times when I voiced my frustrations but it wasn't received by the other party. All these had made me wonder... maybe i should just postpone the wedding. I wanted to get the MBA so much but my savings just wasn't enough for it. If i get my MBA, it is pretty obvious that wedding will not be possible in any near future.

Yes, I know, all the wedding stuffs had been booked or confirmed BUT my dear still hasn't propose. BUAHAHHAHA!! Ya... So maybe before i see the "rock" i will continue to be insecure and indecisive. It's just a thought because dear and I were talking bout going back to school next year. He was deciding if he want to get another Masters which is related to his work. Since he has the thought of going back to school, I am thinking of it as well (had been in my mind all along) because we can encourage each other and study together or even graduate together. My budget is quite tight since company will not be sponsoring and my funds are quite limited.

Its just a thought... My fickle-minded character may tell the otherwise..

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