Monday, April 30, 2007


Sometimes being alone is not a bad thing... it lightens up my mood and most of all allow me to do some thinking.. or rather not to think of any thing at all... I was alone this afternoon after lunch.. took a long bus ride from JP to Vivo... then catch a movie in GV Gold Class theatre.. yesh.. at this point of time some may be thinking that i am a freak to catch a movie on my own... For your information.. this is something S and myself had been talking about few years ago when we were still in Poly... We can shop alone.. swim alone... do anything alone... but we had not tried watching movie alone... well.. i made the first step to do something which i had not done for the past 22 years... but in a luxury way because i was watching a show in the Gold Class theatre... buahahaa!!! I was in the bus and i saw alont alot of students.. well.. i think people might be thinking that i am from poly... reason number 1.. when i went to pizza hut with some of the ex colleagues the waiter asked if we have a student around... for your information again.. they are all in office wear.. buahahahaha!!! ok.. in case you are curious at this point of time.. i am in Polo Tee and a plated mini skirt today... with a big big bag... juz like any other student who is about to go to school or back from school... buahaha!!!
i was walking around shopping... and i realise that i love.. to buy shoes recently.. i cant help buying shoes!! buahaha!!! think i will be scolded by my mum if i dun stop my shopping habit.. and one last thing to end this post... Wild Hogs is a nice movie... i was laughing so loudly in the theatre myself.. and was so afraid that people will start throwing their food at me... ;p

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