Ya.. it is not surprising for me to disappear during the weekend because this is my norm. The only time i do appear during the weekend will be because i am to bored or dear is away and i have to spend hours and hours waiting for him online. So whatz up last weekend??? Buahahhahahaa!!!!! Dear was in surprisingly good mood last week with some unknown reason. We still argue when we go out and due to my weak body, i was having diarrhea since Thursday until Saturday. On Friday when we went out for dinner and movie, dear had to bear with my toilet frequency while we were out walking around. We managed to reach Vivo 1 minute before 1800hr and he actually skipped the first carpark entrance and slowly rolled his car to the next carpark entrance in order to pay per entry parking instead of hourly parking. I wont mind him doing that actually because that will save on carpark. Buahahahhaa!!! The sweet old man actually suggested to go to the Kim Gary Char Can Teng for dinner when he preferred foodcourt on the phone previously. Buahaha!! That was my favourite restaurant! BUT the food wasn't that yummy and wonderful with my foul mood due to the misfunctioned body. *sad*
And after dinner, we went for some window shopping and that's where dear's nightmare came. Buahahaha!! He hate to walk around for hours. Can you imagine we finished our dinner at about 1930hr and the movie is 2140hr? We had so many hours to burn! So we shopped around for female stuff most of the time especially shoes and bags and toys (a female and male stuff). In the end, i tried a dress and a jumper at Forever 21 and ended up buying the jumper for the Bintan trip. Suppose to get the dress actually but they ran out of Size S and M was too big for my skinny body. If only my legs are as skinny as my body, then i will really be a skinny woman. Buahahhhaa!!! *dreamy* So whatz next? Of course that will proceed to our movie!! hey.. Get Smart is really a very funny movie to catch. DON'T MISS IT!!! Buahaha! Damn.. This movie can make bowel disfunctioned woman laughed (as usual) so loudly in the BIG BIG movie theatre... What a disgrace again. Luckily i found a lifetime movie goer to watch any kinda movie with me regardless of my disgraceful cinema manners.
On Saturday, there was still no idea popped into my partial mal-functioned brain on how to spend my weekend. I was thinking and wondering if i wanna get a brunchie or look for dear when mummy and da jie started to discuss on the later IMM trip. *light bulb* Hmm... So i asked them for their shopping details and suggested to tag along!! Gotta woke dear up and asked him for his approval because its a shared weekend and the sweetest dear did not object!! OMG!! YEAH!! Think that should be the first shopping trip he went with my family!!
Just when dear appear and we were ready to go, my bowel disfunction acted up. *fainted* Mummy, the 2 fat boys and dear had to wait till i went in and out of toilet 3 times before we can finally leave the house. We were suppose to reach IMM earlier for mummy to shop around and who knows my bowel disfunctioned at the right time which spoiled mummy's plan. *blush* We went to Cartel to catch our Dinner and after that, we went to shop around.
Ok.. let me digress/rewind abit of Saturday event. Ethyl was playing one of the fat boy's DS lite in the morning and it raised my curiousity and interested in hand held game console. Mummy, da jie and me were discussing about this. Da jia grew so much interest in the DS lite that she wanted to get one which she can share with Ethyl and also a WII or PS3 for her family. And once again, my mum reminded us that her god son/my cousin is selling the game consoles at Sim Lim at quite a reasonable price. Taking the example of the almost 1/2 price difference when my Aunt got one of the DS lite for one of the fat boy at Pearls Centre and from my cousin for the other fat boy. So i made i my mind and asked my cousin for a quotation for a PSP. Hmm.. the price was really quite reasonable! Since i had been spending and spending (until i receive my tax payment form) i decided to save $100 per month to get myself a PSP because of my long journey to work! I told dear bout my plan over the phone before he came over my place and he actually suggested paying for the PSP first and then 3 months later i will pay him back and he will return me the PSP. Hmm.... He is not a gaming person. We both knows about it. He will play the game if he have the console and he won't specially ask to buy a game console since he don't really play them. That was a very surprising suggestion!
Ok.. we can return to IMM now, so since we had decided to get a PSP and couldn't decide on the color, the whole family went to the Sony shop nearby to Cartel to check out our new interest. After much arguing and discussion, dear and i finally agreed on one color! And so.. he went to buy his flip flop for the Bintan trip this Thursday and i went to get some contact lenses for both the Bintan and Aussie trips before we headed home.
When home, dear decided to ask my cousin about the PSP he is selling and since we did some research on the price and bla bla, i went to sms my cousin to ask him to call me at mummy's phone. And the lucky me who tried in vein to call him but line was engaged throughout caught his call while bathing. I knew my cousin will call and had a feeling that he will call while i am not free! So after i came out from the bathroom, wanted to get the phone from my mummy and double checked the questions with dear again, dear told me that he had already asked my cousin. And the most surprising thing was, he said that the shop number was #01-37, and he told my cousin that if we are free on Sunday, we will go and have a look! OMG! Dear was so cool!!
So on Sunday, the "soccer-game-cancelled" man went to fix his dents at Jurong before we went to Sim Lim to look for my cousin! I triple confirmed with him that he wanted to get me the PSP before he came to fetch me and guess what my sweet old man said? "You want it than we go and get it lor." OMG!!! That's so sweet can! So we went and checked around again because dear wanted to know that we are buying at a real cheaper and reasonable price. We really found one which is $30 cheaper. We finally walked into the shop and i told my cousin about our discovery. Dear said that he wont mind spending $30 more to buy a trust so we proceed with the payment and everything. I even cheated my cousin off a plastic (or they called it crystal) cover for the PSP! It won't cost much i guess, but at least i don't have to spend extra $11 to get one. Yesh.. I am cheapo. So whatz the color of the PSP?? Ok.. we argued again as we don't know which to chose since the colors were all so nice............
Yesh! You are right! Any one with teh correct mind will know that it will turn out to be green! We had been arguing on Red (his favourite color), Green and Blue (its really a nice cool color). And dear said since i will be the one using it in future, i shall get my favourite color!
He was saying that he will look like a girl with this kinds green. Nevertheless, its the game that is attracting him. And thats the game that stopped me from distrubing him while he slept yesterday afternoon after we return from Sim Lim. He is so happy that we have a PSP...
Here's a little conversation we shared yesterday night while charging the PSP.
Me: Dear, why you suddenly will suggest that you pay for the PSP first when you usually will let me save up myself and buy it later?
Dear: Ya.. i also wonder why... Kanna cheated my money already.. My boyfriend also said you cheated my money.
Me, felt like bashing him: Ok lor.. you bring this home and charge i won't play until i pay you back!
Dear: Really?? Ok la... No la.. you want to play on your way to work or home. You have a long way to travel... I got this because you wanted it ma.. I am not a gaming person. You wanted it so much so whatz the difference of buying it now and later? Since you already owed me so much money already. *LOL* But nevermind la.. you wanted it so we get it lor. hmm.. i think the blue one nicer..
Me, feeling so sweet and touched: Why not we get a blue one and then we can play together?
Dear: Dont want! Dont waste money. I am not a game type of person and i dont play it well. So no need to buy.
That was the second time he rejected my offer to buy him a PSP. It really showed that he got this because i wanted it and though i will pay him back, he got that due to my interest in it. Argh!! So touched... Even though we are calculative towards the spendings, he will still give in to my foul temper and my holiday request. Ok.. let me end the blog entry with the gift he bought for me 2 weeks ago and him.
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