"Something came across my mind n i decided 2 blog about it.. i discovered that there are quite a number of people who said that they dun wanna fall in love again after being hurt badly by an ill fated relationship... First question i asked myself is.. Why are people shutting themself out from something which who knows they might enjoy in future??? Well its not that i can accept someone else now... Juz that i wont stop myself from falling in love again.... I know its painful and hard to build up the trust.. But that doesnt mean that we have to shut ourselves up after being hurt...dats ridiculous... I admit that i cant fall in love now coz i had not got over the feelings i had for S.. and at the same time i m giving K a chance.. I am also giving myself a chance...Another thing i wanna blog today is regarding my saturday.. Oh my gosh! he gave me a bouquet of flowers! Its the second time i receive flowers and finally got the right bouquet... but not from the right person.... Though the things he had done that particular day can be quite touching for a gal to judge a guy.. But... the normal hard hearted me juz dun feel anything.."
WOW! ya.. judging from the above it was like 2 years ago? Or maybe near 2 years ago? Ok.. I don't quite remember when i had written that kinda crap.
There were some thoughts that intruded into my mind: maybe that's god's hint that my next guy was a K! When i wrote that, my relationship with SL had ended bout 1 month or maybe more or less than that. The K after me at that time was actually Kelvin. That's the first K after SL but the chemistry wasn't there for the 2 of us because i particularly detest people of certain horoscope. Then, the next K appears - actually he appeared earlier but not earlier than Kelvin. We met as colleague then! And (fortunately) since things worked out for the 2 of us, we are now a couple and are happily in love! So thats the positive attitude i believe everyone should have to protect themselves. What do you think of my philosophy? Buahahhaa!
I have few friends who doesn't really believe in "love" after they had a hard split with the previous relationship and doesn't look forward to any other new one when chances come. Well, i gotta admit that it wasn't really easy to start a new relatonship and learn to love a new person. The math between me and dear wasn't that easy also. We started our relationship 1 1/2 year after we acquainted. He may not be the best looking guy but he is definately a nerve wrecking one. Buahhahaa!! Yah.. certain close friend of mine were quite shocked when i revealed this Mister and they probably think that he was so fortunate to have a young and pretty girlfriend. *smilez* On contrary, i think i was the fortunate girl who had gotten a sweet and patient guy to handle my ever-short-impatient temper. Its like the 2 faces of a coin, it depends on which side you are looking at.
Dear may not be a sensitive man when it comes to communication and action but he is definately someone with lotsa patience. With a girlfriend 7 years younger than him, his maturity simply neutralized my childishness. There were certain adventurous path when i chickened out upon stepping our foot on, he had held my hands tight and "dragged" me through. And when we were faced with an adventure which he was afraid of and i am interested to step foot on, he will simply wait for me to finish up with my business and return. Hehe.. Well, he proved to me that we can walk through tough roads together and he will be there for me after i tumbled.
The photo below was taken during my MC period when he came to look for me after work. He was compiling some information or doing his project when the very bored me attacked his peace! I placed Da Tou (the giraffee) on his lappy and the result looks so good! It seems lile he was talking to Da Tou. He was actually telling me to remove the toy because the big head was kinda irritating.
Did i mention that i believe the affinity between us was kinda deep? Buahaha!! Well, this is really one thing which i am really proud of and a secret which only the 2 of us know. This happened way before we started the relationship and was when we were frequently seeing each other. And this of course is still valid now. Before we officially started our relationship, there were times when he just came into my mind and the next thing that happened was either his sms or his MSN message. And now, whenever i checked my phone or changed my mind on sms-ing or call him, he will sms or call me 30 seconds after i let go of my phone! If this happened once or twice, i will simply name it as coincidences. BUT this happened almost everyday! Sometimes, when thoughts of asking him out for dinner or movie came across my mind, his action will come. It was just like he was reading my thoughts!
Well, CL is a guy who will read me like a book and most of the time i can just keep quite and his therapethic words will be injected into my brain. Dear on the other hand will do things when i was thinking about it. Am i that easy?? Ok.. it takes a 14 year friendship to be at that kinda stage. Actually QS and Joanna were also other friends with therapethic words and i am really happy that the friends surrounding me possessed such awesome powers! Buahahhaa!! Probably they know me too well. This time, i can't say that i wont surrender to fate even when i don't really believe in it.