Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I am extremely bored!!!!!!!!!!! Dying from boredom!! Give me some work to do..

Since i am bloggong, maybe i should share the ugly photo of my braces. Also, my newly sponsored-by-dear specs!! Ya, did i mentioned i had a new hair style? Dear said i looked like straw mushy with this new look.

Eh.... ugly pic of my braces. Had made the top lavender and bottom navy blue..
The new sponsored-by-dear specs. *smilez* He deserve a lotza love for spoiling me this far... Its actually the most expensive present he had ever bought so far. Since my birthday pressie was split into 2 occassions this was the most expensive so far. I hope for a better luck next time then maybe i will get a bag. *grinz* Hmm... brand of this specs? Shall not name it, don't wanna be a showoff. Its actually not the frame that made this so pricey but was the lenses.

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