You see the cardboard in front of the car? Dear and I was travelling happily back from AH to my house after dental appointment. We were lucky that day as dear got a lucky lot from this BMW and the person gave him his parking coupon since it is still usable for the next 30-45 mins. Ok.. I shall not digress much.
So on our way back, Just when we filtered out to AYE, a Taxi actually managed to sweep this cardboard up from the road and being as lucky as we are, you know where the cardboard landed. Ya.. right in front of dear's car. He tried to shake it off but the only solution was to stop the car and it will drop. There was this uncle from a passing by van who was kind enough to signal to dear about the thing hanging in front of his car. Ya... unless we are blind, we knew that the cardboard was happily hanging on to the front.
Since we had attracted so much attention, i suggested dear to stop at the road shoulder to get rid of the cardboard before we continue to attract more people. Dear finally managed to stop by the shoulder before we exited and as expected, the cardboard detached itself from the vehicle as soon as dear drastically reduced his speed.
So always remember not to drop your thing on the road as you may not know what kinda danger it will cause to the other road users.
Pictures of OZ trip will be coming up soon... I am still getting dear to load the pics.
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