Friday, March 14, 2008

ok.. i am so bored in office that i decided to blog again! I had been so bored that i actually googled on children's name.. Can you believe it?! Buahahahha!! Anyway, i found some new names and fell in love with those names. Think my future kids will probably have them. It had always been my dream give my kids middle name. Not that i am trying to act ang-mo but i am really not a least bit interested to include my kid's chinese-translated-english name as middle name in their documents. My english name was given by dad since young, therefore, i am quite used to having english names for easy reference. Also, since my siblings and myself share the word "bing" (ice in chinese) as a common character to recognize us from the same family, my future kids shall have a common middle name as well. Here's the name which i have in mind:

1) Averie (Avery): A unisex name for both boys and girls and this shall be my future kid's middle name since it fits bot gender. This is a beautiful name as it meant sage or wise.

2) Killien: Sound so cool and fierce right? Think is some English beer brand but i like it as it associate with the word 'kill" which sounded quite fierce to me. Indeed, it means fierce.

3) Desiree (my ever fav!): Loved this name since long ago... Think the meaning is quite obvious. Its a french name which means desire. Well, a kid should always be the one you desire aren't they?

4) Mikayla: The female version of micheal. I think it sounded nice and unique! its a very rare namecand in hebrew it menat something like god. Well, my girl will definately be a goddess!!

So.. If you put the names together, it will be something like "Killien Averie", "Desiree Avery" and "Mikayla Averie". So in short they will probably be called "KA", "DA", "MA" at home. At this point, i think i am too free that i think so much. But i love to name babies...!!!

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